Monday, April 25, 2011


We had a great Ressurection holiday, Passover dinner on thursday, Easter breakfast at church on Sunday, great time spent with my boys over the long weekend. I am so thankful for my salvation and the joy that God gives in the everyday little things.

Thanks be to God, I have been feeling better lately and just about finished the cardigan jacket for my friend. The decision to start offering classes has me excited too. Pray with me that I will have success in this new venture, and will bring glory to God in the process.

Friday, April 22, 2011

New venture!

I discovered the Betterist site recently and was inspired to offer crochet classes. This is exciting for me, and I hope to see plenty of burnsville/asheville people excited to learn something new!

I have really enjoyed the times I have been able to teach my friends this wonderful skill of crochet. There is something about it that just makes me feel useful. It is exciting to see their excitement as they realize they really can do it, and it's just not as hard as they thought. I enjoy seeing their joy as they watch their project come to be.

So, if you want to learn something new and exciting, or know of someone who would be interested, just steer them to my betterist site - and we'll get started!